Gentle Way of Treating Acne – Chemical Peel

You will find several ways of treating acne including ointments and creams. However, dermatological procedures are increasingly becoming common as well. The dilemma with these procedures is that they are very expensive. What the manufacturers do is to imitate the procedures through providing Chemical Peel kits that you may employ at home, for instance. If you are wondering how chemical peels work, this article will discuss how.

Chemical peels results to peeling thereby removing the upper layer of the affected to reveal the unaffected area underneath it. Chemical peeling is considered as one of the best choices in treating acne particularly acne scars. Its increasing popularity is also because of the lesser complications that the user may experience with chemical peels. Nevertheless, there are specific considerations if you are intending to use chemical peels to solve your acne problems. That is, you have to consider consulting a dermatologist to know whether chemical peeling is appropriate for your skin type or not. Chemical peel will depend on the severity of the condition.

Further, there are different types of chemical peels depending on its peeling intensity. Hydroxy acids like alpha and beta are the mildest types of chemical peels. Hydroxyl acids do not require extensive recovery time unlike when you use other chemical peels. You would normally experience slight redness or irritation however. Some people also experience crusting though this may eventually subside particularly after the body had adjusted to the process. You may repeat hydroxy acid treatment after 6 weeks.

Salicylic acid is another mild chemical peel. Salicylic acid is a proven skin care treatment hence is appropriate in treating acne. The use of salicylic acid, however, is not advisable for people having severe or very active acne. Pregnant women should also stay away from this product.

Further, examples of strong Chemical Peels are phenol and trichloroacetic acid (TCA). TCA, more specifically, can penetrate deeper into our skin thus can be used in treating severe acne. TCA can actually block and release impurities which allow the skin of healing healthily. TCA also boosts blood circulation thus stimulating the skin cells for rejuvenation. However, the user may require longer recovery time. There is also some side effects like increased sun sensitivity. Because of these limitations, TCA peel may not be advisable to specific acne conditions.